General Information
The aim of this survey is to collect expert estimations for the impact of distinct threats on the stage-specific survival and reproduction of vertebrate species.
We appreciate your interest in participating in this survey. Please read through the following information before proceeding.
Within the survey, you will be asked to select a species within the IUCN Red List for which to answer the impact survey and your experience with this species. For each threat listed under the selected species in the IUCN Red List you will first be asked to estimate the impact on the adult and juvenile survival rate of your selected species, and then on reproduction. More details on each demographic rate will be provided within the appropriate section. This survey should take in total about 30 minutes. Please note, if you close the browser before submitting the survey, your answers will be lost and you will have to start again.
Information from the survey will be used to build an open-access database for the stage-specific impacts of distinct threats across vertebrate species.
This research is led by Sarah Bull (, who is attached to the Department of Biology at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Dr Katrina Davis (Department of Biology, University of Oxford), and Dr Rikki Gumbs (Institute of Zoology, ZSL). You may ask any questions before deciding to take part by contacting any of the given researchers.
Do I have to take part?
No. Please note that participation is voluntary. If you do decide to take part, you may withdraw at any point for any reason before submitting your answers by closing the browser.
Note that once you have completed and submitted the survey, your data cannot be removed as it will not be identifiable.
How will my data be used?
You will not be individually identifiable from your responses. The survey will ask you for detail regarding years of experience with the species you select, and the type of experience you have with the species, but these details will not be included in the open-access database.
Your IP address will not be stored.
The responses you provide will be stored in a password-protected electronic file on University of Oxford secure servers for three years after publication. We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that data remain confidential.
Who has reviewed this research?
This research has been reviewed by, and received ethics clearance through, a subcommittee of the University of Oxford Central University Research Ethics Committee (R95611/RE001).
If you have a concern about any aspect of this research, please contact Sarah Bull ( or Katrina Davis ( and we will do our best to answer your query. We will acknowledge your concern within 10 working days and give you an indication of how it will be dealt with. If you remain unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint, please contact the University of Oxford Research Governance, Ethics & Assurance (RGEA) team at or on 01865 616480.
By continuing with the survey, you confirm that you have read the information above and agree to participate with the understanding that the data you submit will be processed accordingly, and that you are 18 years or over.
This web survey was developed by Young Jun Lee ( The front-end UI was built using Bootstrap.
Impact assessment on survival
* : Mandatory fields
Information & instructions
Please read through the following definitions of demographic rates:
Vital rate |
Description |
Adult survival |
The proportion of adults (reproducing induviduals) in the population which survive from the start of one year to the start of the next.
Juevnile survival |
The proportion of juveniles (pre-reproductive induviduals) in the population which survive from the start of one year to the start of the next.
You will first be asked to estimate adult and juvenile survival rates in a population under no threat.
You will then be asked to estimate how survival changes under each threat type.
Please click below to see an example of how to respond to the questions in this section.
Example response
Adult survival for a population under no threat is estimated to be 70%:
Hunting is estimated to remove an additional 30% of adults. Then, adult survival under hunting is estimated to be 40%:
In the same population, drought is estimated to have no impact on adult survival. Adult survival under drought remains at 70%.
Estimated survival rates under no threat
Please estimate the rate of adult survival in your selected species under no threat.
Not provided
Please estimate the rate of juvenile survival in your selected species under no threat.
Not provided
Estimated survival rates under each threat
Please indicate below the estimated adult and juvenile survival under each threat type. Click on the side tabs to reveal the associated questions for each threat type. Please also indicate your confidence in estimating survival values under each threat.
Please consider the past & current intensity of each threat that is/was typically being experienced by the selected species across its range.
Answer as many as possible, but all questions are optional.
Impact assessment on reproduction
* : Mandatory fields
Information & instructions
Please read through the following definitions of demographic rates:
Vital rate |
Description |
Reproduction |
The average number of offspring produced from the start of one year to the start of the next per adult female in the population.
In this survey, you will be asked to estimate the level of reproduction under each threat. You should estimate it as a percentage of normal levels of reproduction, where 0% represents a complete loss of reproduction, 100% represents no change in reproduction, and 200% represents a doubling of reproduction under the threat.
Please click below to see an example of how to respond to the questions in this section.
Example response
In a population, drought is estimated to reduce reproduction by 30%. Population reproduction under drought is recorded as 70%:
In another population agricultural land use is estimated to double reproduction. Population reproduction under agricultural land use is recorded as 200%:
Estimated reproduction under each threat
Please indicate below the estimated reproduction under each threat type. Click on the side tabs to reveal the associated questions for each threat type. Please also indicate your confidence in estimating reproduction under each threat.
Please consider the past & current intensity of each threat that is/was typically being experienced by the selected species across its range.
Answer as many as possible, but all questions are optional.